Monday, May 30, 2011

Towel toy!

I was actually going to make a sock ball, but I had no extra socks to use. So, I had some extra small towels and I had nothing else to do with them so I made a toy! I cut out a squeaker from one of Peanut's useless toys and rolled it with a towel and folded it again with another towel and sewed it together in a pillow form. I added a bow, thinking Peanut wouldn't do anything, but...

He took it off first. Here's the finished piece!

The thing that reeeeeeeeally attracted Peanut was the squeaker! It took me and hour to make it because the string kept on tangling and ugh. But, I got through it! You can make this. It's really quite simple. If you need help or whatnot then either ask by emailing or commenting. 

Must destroy!

No takey awayey!

I found path... must sniff

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